Physiotherapy for Chronic Conditions:
As a Physiotherapist, I realized that physiotherapy can treat acute and long-term problems, and people were looking at months and months of expensive treatment for their pain related chronic problems as well as others. There is one slogan about physiotherapy is “Today pain Tomorrow gain” Peoples are hesitating to tell their problems others due to their financial situations or others, It might be lead to severe or chronic conditions. Once they feel like ‘ I can not tolerate anymore’ , then only they will try to find the solution for that. For example if you are having chronic back pain means, you can not recovery at once, it will take time. They have to consult their Physician or Physiotherapists and have to react accordingly. Those people try to learn all home based activities from their physiotherapists for their problems, it will help them to recover from the illnesses or from their recurrences.
Here are some of the ways physiotherapists treat a variety of conditions and diseases.
1. Physiotherapy can help bad knees:
Lot and lot of recent studies show that the physiotherapy treatment combined with medication was just as effective as arthroscopic surgery in treating osteoarthritis knees. ‘Many arthritic joints are helped by work on flexibility and strength. Physiotherapists can often remove the source of the knee pain by identifying a cause such as

muscle tightness around the knee, and treating it with exercises or stretching. ‘We will do a biomechanical assessment looking at everything from muscle tightness to weakness to how joints move if they move too much or too little,’ ‘Based on that, we’ll prescribe an appropriate course of action that may include exercise to calm the inflamed joint or muscle or address the factors contributing to the problem.’ If the problem derives from an imbalanced gait, physiotherapists can prescribe orthotics (for example. shoe inserts that correct alignment problems) as well as some of gait training exercises. You know ‘Physiotherapists are very good at looking at the whole picture, while surgeons might just look at the joint,’ Sometimes pain may be caused by Joint Derangement, For that Physiotherapists are using Some special techniques like Mulligan or other manipulation techniques to reduce the Joint Derang
2. They can help to increase the Normal Lung Function:
breathing techniques
That whole-picture approach doesn’t stop with the musculoskeletal system (the joints and muscles we use to stand and walk). Physiotherapy also addresses conditions in the autonomic nervous system the involuntary muscles and nerves that control our organs.
Patients with asthma or sleep apnea, for example, can be treated by cardiovascular physiotherapists, who may use breathing control exercises simple one might be blowing up a balloon or focus on improving the mobility of chest and neck muscles through stretching and strengthening programs. These exercises are helping more in post surgical rehabilitation, as well as some chest expansion diminished conditions like Ankylosing spondylitis, Protruded shoulder, Muscular dystrophy conditions and bed ridden patients etc.
3. It can relieve pelvic floor disorders
Nowadays, physiotherapy techniques to address pelvic floor disorders too, which can occur when pelvic muscles tighten, shorten or fall into spasm after pregnancy, childbirth or abdominal surgery. ‘The pelvic floor muscles are involved in sexual function as well as
bladder and bowel function, and they help support the spine and abdominal organs. Dysfunctions can manifest in conditions such as painful intercourse, urinary or bowel incontinence, or general abdominal or groin pain. ‘These problems sometimes don’t show up on MRIs or ultrasounds.Physiotherapists typically uses a massage technique called ‘trigger point release’ directly on the affected pelvic floor muscle to relieve the spasm and also integrates core strengthening exercises and relaxation techniques through Pilates.
4.It combats obesity
Another trend of physiotherapy field is ‘lifestyle modification’ physiotherapy, such as preventive health care and management of chronic pain. Due to this this, we can reduce degenerative diseases on weight bearing joints. Physiotherapists often works in conjunction with physicians to treat obese patients, in part by making it easier for
them to exercise. ‘We educate them about the physical impact that excess weight has on the musculoskeletal system’ the physical backbone of our bodies.. In addition to addressing problems such as sore knees and tendinitis through traditional physiotherapy techniques, physiotherapists can design personalized exercise programs that won’t overtax vulnerable joints. Even something as simple as helping patients select shoes with the right support and conditioning can help to get sedentary patients moving again. Similar principles apply when working with patients whose mobility has declined due to aging or the side effects of chemotherapy.
5.It can relieve chronic pain
Depending on the cause, a program of physiotherapy can ease chronic pain by strengthening the muscles that surround painful joints or muscles. Some study of women with osteoporosis whose chronic pain was linked to spinal compression fractures found that patients used significantly less pain medication and reported improved quality of life after just 10 weeks of a physiotherapy program designed to improve balance and stabilize the lumbar spine. Lots of back pain and OA chronic cases also getting remarkable relieve through physiotherapy.
6.It can cure back pain
Problems such as poor posture, muscle strain or arthritis can cause back pain. Treatment will depend on the source of the problem, I advises a three-fold approach: weight management (to reduce stress
on joints), muscle strengthening (to improve mobility and reduce recurrence) and ‘re-patterning’ of muscles. That involves changing the coordination of all the muscles in a particular area, usually through a series of dynamic exercises. ‘There are about two dozen muscles in and around the lower back that really matter. ‘Strengthening two or three doesn’t have as much of an effect as teaching all 24 how to work together.’ in these ways physiotherapy helps in back pain.
It takes time and practice to stretch or retrain muscles that have a long-established bad habit. But doing so can prevent a recurrence of the injury. When I was tempted to skip my exercises, I’d remember that the effort and money I was investing might help prevent more extensive and expensive interventions.